A Look At The History Of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
A Look At The History Of Reese's Peanut Butter Cups
Reese's Peanut Butter Cups, also known as Rees's Peanut Butter Cups, is an American snack consisting of a jelly-filled chocolate cup filled with a variety of nutty or chocolate-flavored toppings. They were first produced on November 15, 1928, by H. B. Reese, an unemployed shipping clerk and dairy farmer who started selling chocolate bars at the local train station. He would take orders from people when they came to the station to buy their lunches. After taking his lunch home, he would stack the bags of candy in the back of his pick-up truck and would drive his family to work.

After several months of successful sales, Reese decided to expand into other products, including sandwiches. The first sandwich he sold was called "Reese's Nut Bread" and was introduced in Depression-era America during the height of the Great Depression. While this product didn't quite hit the mainstream market until after World War II, Reese continued to make additions to his lineup of sandwiches, each one more popular than the last. Eventually, the traditional cupcake was retired, and the peanut butter sandwich became almost ubiquitous.
When the first Rees's sandwich hit the candy aisle of supermarkets, it immediately became a huge hit. Sales were so great that the company soon introduced a second offering that included a variety of fillings. The "Baked Texas Style" was a variety of fried chicken, and the "Hickory Bark" had a variety of powdered smoked meat. All of these variations were very popular, but the company also made an assortment of cupcakes to go along with its sandwiches. The" Reese's Peanut Butter Cup" is among the most popular and best-selling flavors of all time. These tasty creations were also extremely successful outside of the holiday season.
After the company had proven that their peanut butter was a hit, they moved on to create other variations of their peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The next thing they did was introduce" Reese's Peanut Butter Cups" in collaboration with Nabisco, the manufacturer of Nabisco's pie dough. It was a very successful move, as pie dough was just about as hard to find as Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. With the success of both flavors, Reese was also well within reach of grocery stores. One account says that the company had no difficulty at all in securing shelf space for its merchandise, even when competing against companies like Nestle and White Castle.
Rees was not finished there, however. In 1950, Reese began offering a line of chocolate-flavored lip balms and glosses. The bold reds and pinks were a big departure from the chocolate browns and gold's that had previously been the company's trademark. The bold colors, along with the marshmallow flavor made these lip balms a huge success, especially in the female population. While Reese's still focuses on its chocolate and coffee beverages, it has clearly come a long way from being just a breakfast or a quick snack.
Another interesting bit of Reese's history is that of the King Size candy bars. These candy bars actually have a full-sized peanut butter in them! And that means that consumers can not only experience a full flavor peanut butter candy bar, but also a satisfying full-sized candy bar in a very large package. While this product brand variation may not seem like much now, it will surely be a big hit when Reese's finally decides to launch a television advertising campaign for its new line of food product varieties.
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