A Popular Candy Among Americans and Overseas
A Popular Candy Among Americans and Overseas
Hi-Chew got its big break when brand founder Kayleigh Westerfield announced the brand had really taken off. Its wide variety pack, featuring four main flavors of fruit, banana, strawberry, and apple was a big hit in Kroger's non-candy Halloween collection in 2020. Such good news would please any growing candy brand, but why did not it offer a standard-sized assortment of bags like many other premium hard candy brands? Well, the answer lies in one word - competition.

The giant candy corporation Mars Inc. tried to compete with Hi-Chew by releasing its own version of the fruit drink in Japan called Hi-Car. It too quickly became a huge hit. Mars later announced it was discontinuing the product because of "too many requests for refunds." In addition, Mars recalled all of its versions of Hi-Chew.
The key difference between the two versions of Hi-Chew is its packaging. Hi-Chew packages are more compact and plastic-free, while Mars' Hi-Car is glass and paper based. While Hi-Chew was discontinued, Mars maintains a full line of Hi-Car candies, including the ones made withhiatsu chocolate. The candies remain popular due to their nostalgic flavor and nostalgic value.
While Hi-Chew was on the rise, Mars expanded its lineup of Japanese candy making it even more competitive. It introduced Hi-Carz, a version of its Hi-Chew range. Mars also trademarked the "toro" trademark that is seen on all of its Japanese candies. Hi-Carz and Hi-Chew are similar yet different candies. They each come in a variety of colors like red, blue, yellow and orange and contain a sweet Japanese flavor.
Hi-Chew is Japanese candies manufactured and distributed by Mars Inc., a publicly held company headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It is distributed in many countries all over the world, including the United States, United Kingdom and Australia. Hi-Chew was created as a part of the marketing strategy of Mars Inc. By creating a Japanese version of its original Hi-Chew product, Mars was able to tap into a lucrative market segment. With the success of Hi-Chew, Mars quickly increased its production capacity and started selling Hi-Chew in multiple flavors and varieties, which made it even more popular with consumers.
The Gum Cake Hi-Chew is a type of gum candy. In the year 2021 Hi-Chew released a new product called Hi-Chew Power. This version contains crushed gum, nuts, raisins and other ingredients. The name of the new gum was "power gum". In Japan, this candy became a food story and was promoted as a healthy alternative to conventional sweets.
Recently Hi-Chew was added to the American Culinary Federation's list of approved snacks for schools and hospitals. In fact, the school district in Wisconsin, one of the largest school districts in the country, actually has a whole department dedicated to marketing and promoting Hi-Chew. The candy has also been featured in numerous television shows including 60 Minutes II and has received numerous awards, including the "Invention of the Year" from the Television Show America. A Japanese official told CNN that Hi-Chew was one of the most popular candies in Japan, surpassing the popular Usaya Candy brand.
Hi-Chew was created by Keiichi Furumoto, a Japanese confectioner who attended college in the states. In 1996, after traveling to the states, he decided to create a product that would help people in the states understand the culture of his adopted country. As the only foreign product that can do this, Hi-Chew has become a symbol of Americanness for many who feel somewhat separated by birth. Hi-Chew has achieved an international level success, not just in America, but in Japan and Canada too. In fact, in some places in Japan they eat the candy and then put the pieces into their pocket, representing the open-door policy of the Japanese people to foreigners. Like other foreign brands of candies Hi-Chew has had to face an onslaught of imitation versions that have been made with ingredients from other countries, making it difficult to distinguish between the genuine and the impostors.
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